by Dan Wood
Since most people have done these "I Hate" lists at sometime, I reckoned
I'd give it a go. It just seems a bit ironic that most people do these
when they first start with diskmags, but I've been in the 'biz' for
years, but never got around to doing this, so here goes!
ARGHHH! Don't they realise how difficult it is on the eye to read that?
The only time I ever type like that is when I accidently do it using a
PC, because if you have CAPS LOCK on a PC, and you press Shift you get
lower case letters for some dumb reason. Best way is to just not use
them, and PCs as well while you're at it.
[It was a phase started by ascii artists to my knowledge. Boring
standard text is just that, boring. So we livened it up a bit but
people got carried away and wrote CLI programs like "cool" which
converts text files to this format. These days ascii artists tend to
use symbols to represent characters rather than case. Kei]
2. BBC Radio
Boy this sucks. Does any one still actually listen to this? I heard Radio
2 the other day, the 'announcers' ('cos they're not presenters) sound half
asleep, and probably are, the shit they produce. Get rid of it all,
commercial radio is the best.
[Check out the BIG BYTE on sundays at noon on Radio 5. Kei]
3. Older people who go out with teenagers
What's up with these people? What's the attraction if you're 35 with a
15 year old? I'm just out of my teens, and I wouldn't go out with any
one younger than 17 (actually I prefer women slightly older). Why can't
they find some one their own age, and stop picking on kids? I know of a
woman who is !!43!! and going out with a 15 year old boy! It started
out with the boy going out with the ladies daughter (who's 17) and they
split up and the mother started going out with him, and whats the
betting what this woman's after... hmmn. But I'm only a few years
older than 15, but I don't find 15 year olds attractive.
4. Rab C Nesbitt
I'm sure it's a very good show, but I need Teletext page 888 (subtitles)
to understand the fat git!
5. Blur
Beetlebum... 'nuf said.
6. Oasis
Why are these idiots so popular? Heard what happened when they went to
America? They had a fight so they had to come home? No way, they
didn't sell enough tickets to make it worth their while doing a concert.
But would they admit that? Would they hell as like (that expression
should be number 7 :) The American 'fans' wouldn't take them sticking
two fingers up, and telling them to f' off and still pay their livings.
7. Digitiser, Channel 4 TText Page 170
What have they got against the Amiga? They have news sections and the
Gateway 2000 purchase didn't get a mention, it's my betting they
actually fear the Amiga 'cos they know what it could do when it returns.
So as ever, they put down what they fear and don't understand. They
spout off crap about the machine with out even looking into it or
researching their comments. Such as "people compare $3000 PowerPC
processed PCs to a 512K A500 with 1.3 because thats the only Amigas you
can find". Well sorry to dissapoint boys and girls, but the A1200
outweighs the current numbers of Amigas by about 85%. And a lot are
heavily expanded. And Stewart Campbell... didn't he used to edit Amiga
Power, or was that another Mr Campbell?
8. PC Users that say "You've got an Amiga?... FNARRR"
I say "Sod off dickhead". :)
7. Playstation owners
Most (not all, but most) Playstation users think to be under the
impression that, if a game doesn't have full 3-D graphics and 256
colours on screen, with full scrolling animation, then it's a shit game.
I get more fun out of Pac-Land than any Playstation game I have played,
and Tomb Raider? What a sack of cack, and why are the females on these
games always... so well endowed? It makes them look stupid if ya ask
[I'm buying a PSX just so I can play Tomb Taider 1 and 2 so there. Kei]
9. Idiots who say "you middle class git"
Which I don't think I am. But the majority of people who have said this
to me have lived on council estates, have skin-heads, 3 kids and a wife,
and no job. And just 'cos I got off my arse and made a nice living for
myself and got a nice car and a nice house, they see fit to 'take the
piss'. Don't get me wrong about council estates, I know there are some
very nice people on them, but the ones like in the case above REALLY
piss me off.
10. Classical Music
Most of this is sooo boring, but I've heard some 'ok' tunes, but it lacks
any 'feel' to it.
11. Country music
Loads of bearded old men sitting in barns with guitars singing about 'the
county bar'... yeah... right.
[Sorry to keep commenting your article Dan but I can't help it. You are
probably boiling the blood in the veins of people reading this and they
probably want to reply to you right now (get typing!) and as I can, I
will. Watch CMT and you will see that C&W music is no longer like this
with women like Shania Twain singing modern C&W tracks with her cute
figure. Kei]
12. Cassette Tapes
Crap quality, fragile, look stupid, and whats with all that background
hiss? Why couldn't the designers (Phillips) make it of a thicker and
better quality tape? Minidisc is the way forward. But I guess cassette
tapes have their advantages, in that EVERY ONE has a player, and they're
cheap and portable.
13. Men and women that 'go out on the pull'. (to get laid)
What is that? Very sad. When did sex become cheap? I dunno, maybe I'm
just an old fashioned git? :)
14. Jane Butterworth
At 'the other place' we have a conference every issue, and one of my
friends (Mr Arnie Finen) seems to read this woman's column every week in
The News of The World (which is a comic, not a paper, people). And he
often re-types (illegaly of course :) letters she gets and the advice
she gives for us all to see what we think. And she is CRAP! Sexist
(she reckons ALL men use women, by her views) she seems to think a boy
being attracted to his 2 year younger sister is 'perfectly natural stage
of growing up, talk to her about it'. WHAT?!! It's sick! Definately
not normal, never happened to me, and if it did, I wouldn't DARE tell
her, I'd never be able to face her again. But suffice to say Jane
Butterworth and that other feminist from the News of the World magazine
who does the Family section sucks as well, which leads nicely to the
next one...
15. Feminists
What is it with these? Albeit most of them are women in comfortable
shoes, from the planet lesbos (lesbians for the uneducated). But if
they don't like men, then fine! Keep away from us, 'cos we certainly
don't like you. And what's all this 'we fight for equal rights'?!! You
got that in the 60s! Women have MUCH more rights than men these days,
they have it much better and the whinging farts still harper on about
it. I can honestly see a time when men start to stand up for equal
rights, seriously can see it coming.
16. People with dress sense totally different to them.
Alright, it's summer, it's warm. People tend to walk around half-naked.
You see women in those silly crop top things and mini-skirts, and men
with those skimpy cycling shorts... but if you're fat, don't wear stuff
like that boys and girls! It's not nice to see!
17. Windows
Did Bill Gates and the team have to work hard to get it to be that bad?
How the hell did it become so popular, when it's so bad?! I *hate*
[Microsoft were given the license to produce the OS for IBM's PC's as at
the time, IBM figured the personal computer market would never take off.
They had to kick themselves in the butt for that one. Their reply was
OS/2 which as we know, came out to late and Microsoft remains the
industry standard with the most support from 3rd party manafacturers.
18. The word "Bloke"
What the hell is that?! What a stupid word, please BAN it from THE
WORD. It's banned from my mag from now on, it's only recently I've
realised how stupid it sounds!
And it was a bit wierd to end at number 18, but I couldn't think of
anymore. So until next time. That's all I guess!
[If there was ever an article to inspire replies then this is it. I
promised myself recently that I would cut down on the amount of comments
I made per issue as my viewpoints are not the same as everyone elses.
So even though I wanted to reply to every line you wrote here, I
haven't. I think I'll leave that to the other readers. I think I can
hear BootBlock's text editor booting up right now.. Kei]